A downloadable game for Windows

About the Game

Warrior Duels is an immersive online trading card game that pits two legendary warriors from distinct historical factions against each other in a duel of skill, strength, and strategy. Choose from one of seven factions including Viking, Knight, Ninja, Samurai, Barbarian, Legionnaire, and Sword Master, each bringing unique fighting styles and tactics to the battlefield. 

Each warrior begins with three core attributes: Stamina, Strength, and Speed set at various values. The aim is to reduce all of the opponent's attributes to zero, thus winning the duel. 

Who is the best legendary warrior?  Find out by dueling the best opponents from around the world!

[Game is in early beta testing]

Fast, Strategic Game Play

Use attacks, defenses, and tactical cards to outwit and outmaneuver your opponent. Create unblockable attacks! Deny your opponent precious resources and reinforcements.  All while trying to defeat them in battle!

Deck Building

Custom build your deck to fit your play style! Over 170+ cards to select from with more coming in future sets.  Endless combinations!

Download to Beta test now on PC!

Coming soon to iOS.

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WDSetup.exe 489 MB

Install instructions

Run the file WDSetup.exe after it downloads.  After installing, launch the game.  You will need to register a username and password when playing for the first time.  Once you log into the game play through Tutorials 1 - 5 to learn the basics of the game.  Enjoy!

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